This blog was my go-to venting place before the wedding, but now that the craziness is over, I haven't posted as much. Guess I don't need to vent quite so much stress any more. But I will try to include my thoughts about married life and our new journey together. Really. OK, Remember, I said "Try."

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Monday, August 31, 2009

special guests

Sam had the idea of seeing if some of his old choir students might be interested in singing during the wedding.  I was rather doubtful that we’d even FIND them, but we ran into a student and they rattled off a list of the alumni that will be there, and I was SOO touched.   It will be SOOO neat to see these guys again.  If you read this, alumni, THANK YOU!!! =) I miss you all!!!


52 Faces said...

omg this is so awesome!

I came back to L.A. for the Labor Day weekend - and your super original invite was waiting for me. I'm so glad it's an audience participation wedding!!

Unfortunately, I'll have to miss the reception ::crying:: as I'll be flying back to NY to make it to my early class on Monday.

How great that Sam's old students can be there :)

karyn said...

::crying:: on this end too things didn't line up very conveniently for us, venue-wise - such is the curse of trying to do a non-traditional theatrical and creative type of a wedding!!! sigh!!!

MoniqueM said...


I'm Monique Montalvo!!I just graduated last year, and when Mrs.Talavera gave word that Mr.Chen wanted the current choir/alumni to sing at his wedding, I automatically saved the date in my cellphone, I am really excited, and I must say...CONGRATUALTIONS (in advance)!!!!! See you October 24!!!!

karyn said...

Oh, Awesome!! Thank you!!! It will be so neat to see you guys there, I am so totally touched that so many alumni are coming out to sing. That just so totally rocks!! I know Sam will be really happy, too. Excellent, see you then!