This blog was my go-to venting place before the wedding, but now that the craziness is over, I haven't posted as much. Guess I don't need to vent quite so much stress any more. But I will try to include my thoughts about married life and our new journey together. Really. OK, Remember, I said "Try."

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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

i had one of those pre-wedding, stress-out, freak-out episodes today. . .

can anyone relate???  the whole thing just seems so overwhelming huge, it’s going to drain every last penny from my savings account, and it feels like i just don’t know if i can get it all done, because every little detail seems to take hours of research.  ahhhh. . . **sigh**  just wondering if how i’m feeling is normal!


rly said...

it'll get done. don't worry. the "idea" of how much needs to get done is always more overwhelming than the things that do need to get done.

one task at a time, one day at a time. you'll be fine.

Jusy said...

I understand Karyn. It'll all be okay.

karyn said...

aw, thanks! i'm trying not to stress, in fact, i'm stressing about how i shouldn't be stressing. . . =)