This blog was my go-to venting place before the wedding, but now that the craziness is over, I haven't posted as much. Guess I don't need to vent quite so much stress any more. But I will try to include my thoughts about married life and our new journey together. Really. OK, Remember, I said "Try."

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Monday, August 31, 2009

special guests

Sam had the idea of seeing if some of his old choir students might be interested in singing during the wedding.  I was rather doubtful that we’d even FIND them, but we ran into a student and they rattled off a list of the alumni that will be there, and I was SOO touched.   It will be SOOO neat to see these guys again.  If you read this, alumni, THANK YOU!!! =) I miss you all!!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

added to the blog today:

A COUNTDOWN - it's at the bottom
and MAPS - they are on the left.  

Friday, August 21, 2009

Who are these people - Part 2

ok, i'm going to need some help from sam on this one, but for now, i will do a cliff-notes version of who the guys are. 
Andrew Yee - Best Man   Andrew was Sam's college roommate for I forget how many years down at the illustrious and ever growing campus of UCI.  Andrew has a well developed appreciation for good food, really appreciates his friends, and likes to keep everyone connected.  He currently lives in the Bay Area, so we don't get to see him as often as we'd like, but when we do see him, he always makes us happy! 
Reggie DeLeon - Sam and Reggie played brothers in Thoroughly Modern Millie last year, and Reggie has been a great friend ever since!   Reggie also has a well developed appreciation for good food, really appreciates his friends and likes to keep everyone connected.  Reggie appreciates a good Game Night, always knows some place fun to go for dinner or dessert, and he happens to be responsible for increasing Sam's Coldstone Creamery consumption.  Reggie also has an adorable dog named Boo. 
Joaquin Nunez - I can't remember what show Joaquin and Sam first did together, but I know they have been in Forever Plaid, Something's Afoot, and many others, along with being fellow Christmas carolers.  Joaquin also really appreciates a good Game Night, and is always sure to have a funny story, finished with his trademark smile.  We also know JQ to be a great listener and sympathetic ear, who works hard and really appreciates an excellent beer after a long day. 
Jeff Eastridge - I don't know when Sam and Jeff first met, but I know it was before I met Sam.  =)  Jeff and Sam have lots in common as they are both high school teachers, both musicians, and both love to go to Disneyland after a long week at work.  Jeff also happens to be an amazing gourmet cook, whom we hope will continue to feed us after we are married.  (especially since sam and i know how to make about 3 dishes between us =)  )
Benny Mao - Benny just happens to share something that no one else does with Sam - an address!  Besides being a roommate, Benny is also a fellow musician and song-writer who can sometimes be seen doing solo gigs (,  is always super-supportive of our creative ventures, knows where all the best food in Monterey Park is, and can always be counted on to read things that are written in Chinese for us.    
I'm sure I left a TON of stuff out, and some of this may not even be 100% accurate, I may have even misspelled someone's name - but, I did my best, and at least the guys are represented. =) 

Who are these people - Part 1

Also known As, the bridal party roll-call!
I always think it's nice to kind of know something about those people standing up on stage in the matching clothing. So I thought I'd give a quick run-down on the Bridal Party and how we know them. I'll start with the Ladies:
Paula Joe, Maid of Honor and all-around amazing woman --
I've known Paula since I think I was 15 or 16. In fact, Paula was in the group of about 8 friends that I went to my Senior Prom with, even though she didn't go to my school, but went to our rival, Alhambra High! It just so happens that we both also went to Cal Poly Pomona and I remember many happy visits from Paula to my dorm in Palmitas Hall!
Emily Tokeshi, Bridesmaid and Fellow Book Lover --
Emily also went to Cal Poly Pomona, and also to Fuller, so we have much in common academically. We also share a passion for books, fond memories of many road trips, and an appreciation for our introverted natures. Emily was one of the people who helped me move to Colorado when I worked out there, and I will never forget our near-death experiences sliding out during a blizzard in the mountain pass near Moab, Utah.
Anna Kwan, Bridesmaid and Fellow Beach Lover --
I've known Anna as long as I've known Emily and Paula (Anna's cousin). I have happy memories of lying on the beach in Newport during the days when Anna was living on campus at UCI, of eating at Sushi of Napels, and of getting our gym membership at Bally's and working out at Jason's Step Aerobics class (oooh so 90's, I know!!)
Vivian Ling, Bridesmaid and former Housemate --
I've forgotten how many years I lived with Vivian, but I will NEVER forget our first dog, Milo, and how heartbroken we both were when we lost her. I also fondly recall Vivian's famous HotPot (yum), staying up waaaayyy too late talking when we both had to work the next day, and hosting happy (and highly decorated) holiday parties over the years.
Marianne Fritz, Bridesmaid and Stage Sister --
I first got to know Marianne because she played my sister in Proof. Our chemistry in that show could not have been just an act, because she has felt like a sister ever since. She shares my passion for theatre, whether performing, writing, reading, or watching it, an appreciation for Sondheim, and an appreciation of the importance of an excellent (and cold) beer after a long day.
Stephenie Sun - Candlelighter and Event Planner Extaordinaire --
Sam and I met Steph after she moved down here from Portland for a teaching program. We will always remember her first teaching year! Steph has been super supportive of all of my (and Sam's) creative ventures, is a great Disneyland buddy, and shares my excitement over an Excel spreadsheet. I will never forget our life-altering PacificNorthWest Trip, or Steph's hometown. Steph is also helping us to plan this crazy wedding event, and we owe her our sanity!
Naomi Shiraiwa/Peng - Candlelighter and Bride-to-Be buddy --
I have been ever-so-grateful to be going through this whole engagement process with a friend who is just a few steps ahead of me! This whole year I have been able to share the joys and freak-out moments of the engagement journey with Naomi, and have been the recipient of her constant encouragement and very sympathetic ear. 

Whew!! I made it though all the girls, hopefully some day soon we can get all the guys in here too! Check back, we'll try to continue posting. Between other wedding planning insanity. =)

why i love sam, reason #53

one night during the wedding planning madness, sam and i sat down and tried to plan out the actual ceremony (who know a ceremony had so many parts?)  and it all went rather smoothly.  but, when it came to the wedding recessional, Sam and I didn't exactly see eye to eye.   for the past few years, i've pictured myself exiting down the the aisle and rocking out to "elevation" by u2.   sam, ever the classic type, imagined the excitement of trumpet voluntary.   both of us, being rather passionate about music, really wanted to stand our ground.  and so we were at an impasse, it would seem.   we decided to shelve the issue for the time being, and i told sam that i'd send him the mp3 and asked him to listen to it just to see what he thought.   
what he thought, it turns out, was something i never would have thought of.  he managed to blend the songs into a medley and put in all the other music that makes us feel happy and elated.  and so what we have is what we both want, and something totally unique as well.   leave it to sam to find a way to think outside of the box and come up with a win-win situation.  which, happens to be one of the reasons why i'm marrying him. =) 

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Who Are These People?

Here I will be posting information about the wedding party.  Not tonight, though.  Tonight, I am pooped!